>>> "Steve Anderson" <sanderson@uwc.ac.za> 6/28/2011 1:20 PM >>>
Dear SANORD Colleagues PLEASE circulate this information at your respective institutions. It is also available on our SANORD portal www.sanord.net - SANORD News, front page.
The Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) located in Uppsala, Sweden has since 1962 been an important research, documentation and information centre on modern Africa in the Nordic countries. The institution invites applications for the following vacant positions. Please note the deadlines for each of the positions: 1. Senior Researcher and Cluster Leader on Conflict, Security and Democratic Transformation in Africa. Closing date for applications: June 30, 2011 2. Senior Researcher and Cluster Leader on Urban Dynamics. Closing date for applications: 31 August 2011 3. Senior Researcher and Cluster Leader on Globalization, Trade and Regional Integration. Closing date for applications: August 31, 2011 4. Research Director. Closing date for applications: September 30, 201
Contact persons: Director Carin Norberg, +46 18 56 22 65, Eva-Lena Svensson, Human Resources Manager, +46 18 56 22 12.
Best regards
Leolyn Jackson Southern African-Nordic Centre (SANORD) Office Tel.: +27 21 959 3827/3802 Mobile: +27 82 202 34 75 P Please consider the environment before printing this email www.wits.ac.za/conference/sanord |
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