Wednesday, May 30, 2012

[Lib-helig-l] Scenarios for the Future of the Book

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via ACRL Insider by Mary Jane Petrowski on 5/29/12

Scenarios for the Future of the BookACRL has released a new research report, "Futures Thinking for Academic Librarians: Scenarios for the Future of the Book," to help librarians reexamine their assumptions, which may be grounded in the current e-book zeitgeist. Authored by David J. Staley, director of the Harvey Goldberg Center for Excellence in Teaching in the History Department of Ohio State University, the report is a companion to the 2010 report Staley co-authored for ACRL, "Futures Thinking for Academic Librarians: Higher Education in 2025."
This new report presents four scenarios, based in part on feedback from academic library directors. It includes scenarios which intentionally favor the continued existence of the printed book as a viable technology, so that academic and research librarians may expand their thinking about the future to include a richer set of environmental conditions.
The full report is freely available in the publications section of the ACRL website (PDF). For more discussion of the report, listen to a podcast conversation with Staley and ACRL President Joyce L. Ogburn.
As a companion to the report, the presidents of ACRL and ALCTS are holding a joint program, "Future of the Book: Innovation in Traditional Industries," during the 2012 ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. on Monday June 25, in the Anaheim Convention Center Ballroom B. Hear Duane Bray, a partner at IDEO, a global innovation and design consulting firm, discuss the challenges traditional industries often face when experiencing disruptive change. Bray will share concrete techniques for recognizing and harnessing opportunities for innovation.

Things you can do from here:

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Re: [Lib-helig-l] INASP call for paper

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Enabling academic excellence in African universities

Demonstrating the value and impact of academic libraries to university leadership

A joint ACU/INASP publication for African vice chancellors, rectors and university leaders


African universities must deliver on an ambitious and expansive agenda – meeting the growing demand for higher education, addressing the expectations of new generations of students, undertaking high quality research, contributing to national scientific capacity, and helping to address local and regional development needs through research, teaching and skills development.

Libraries and information services have a critical role to play in enabling and supporting their universities to meet these varied needs, but this role and potential is often not well understood at senior level.

The ACU and INASP are seeking contributions to a special supplement for African vice chancellors, rectors and deputy vice chancellors, to be distributed to the 110 universities in ACU membership.

The aim of this supplement will be to profile what African libraries are already doing to advance the research and teaching missions of their universities, and to demonstrate how they can support this into the future.

We are therefore seeking articles from African librarians and information professionals (including IT professionals) which address any of the key themes set out below.

Articles should profile examples of specific services or initiatives which your library is delivering or developing. They should not simply describe the service or initiative, but should explicitly explain how and why this is helping to address the needs of the university. They may take either an institutional view, or present a national or regional library and information initiative.

Interested writers should submit a brief abstract of around 300 words which sets out clearly (bullet points are acceptable) the key arguments which they would wish to make in their piece.

1.     Marketing & advocacy
·         Making the case for the library
·         Raising awareness of resources and services
·         Reaching different types of students and faculty users

2.     The library's contribution to academic excellence
·         Return on library investment
·         Judging and demonstrating quality
·         The library's role in course planning
·         The library's role in supporting research.

3.     Strategic planning
·         Linking library planning to institutional planning and objectives

4.     New roles for university librarians
·         Re-skilling librarians to supporting research
·         Librarians as researchers / evidence based librarianship
·         Integrating IL into the curriculum  
·         Library leadership
·         The digital librarian

5.     Enhancing the visibility and accessibility of research
·         Institutional repositories and online publishing
·         Supporting researchers to get published (open access, copyright etc)
·         Open access – demystifying and promoting OA

6.     Rethinking library space
·         The continuing importance of libraries as teaching and learning spaces

The supplement will be an opportunity for librarians to represent themselves and their profession, and to profile their changing responsibilities and the new expertise which libraries are developing in the process.

The deadline for receipt of abstracts is Friday 15th June 2012. Dates for final submission of articles will be agreed with selected writers in due course. Any queries should be addressed to the ACU and INASP: Jonathan Harle ( or Peter Burnett (

Lindy Nhlapo
IFLA Regional Manager for Africa
IFLA Regional Office for Africa
Tel: +2712 429 6374
        +2711 471 2826
Fax: +2712 429 6130
Mobile: +2772  7145 125
IFLA-L - Our general discussion list for the international library and information community
                           Stay informed! Subscribe today! It is essential, unmissable and yet for free!

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[Lib-helig-l] Teaching & Learning (Librarians as Teachers) Workshop- WCHELIG

Dear All
Find the details about upcoming WCHELIG workshop Wednesday, 13 June 2012.
Bulelwa Mandubu
UWC Library

[Lib-helig-l] Teaching & Learning (Librarians as Teachers) Workshop by WCHELIG- Telephone number correction

See corrected version on the advert for the Workshop "Librarians as Teachers" of the telephone number of person handling RSVPs.
Bulelwa Mandubu

Monday, May 28, 2012

[Lib-helig-l] DOAB is launched


DOAB Press release
The Hague, February 29, 2012
A new service for Open Access Monographs: the Directory of Open Access Books.

OAPEN is pleased to announce a new service for Open Access monographs: the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB). DOAB will provide a searchable index to peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes published under an Open Access business model, with links to the full texts of the publications at the publisher's website or repository. The beta version of the service will contain publications of a selected number of academic publishers. The beta version will be made public early spring 2012.
The primary aim of DOAB is to increase discoverability of Open Access books. Academic publishers will be invited to provide the metadata of their Open Access books to the DOAB. Metadata will be harvestable in order to maximize dissemination, visibility and impact. Aggregators can integrate the records in their commercial services and libraries can integrate the directory into their online catalogues, thereby helping scholars, students and the general public to discover the books. The directory will be open to all academic publishers and should contain as many books as possible, provided that these books are peer reviewed and published in Open Access. DOAB will determine requirements for publishers to qualify as Open Access academic book publishers and will maintain a certification procedure.
A number of academic publishers have already expressed their interest in taking part in the further development of the service; among them are members of the OAPEN Library such as Amsterdam University Press and Göttingen University Press, and other well-known Open Access publishers such as Open Book Publishers, Open Humanities Press, MPublishing and Athabasca University Press. OpenEdition, a portal dedicated to electronic resources in the humanities (, will also take part in the beta phase of DOAB.
DOAB will be launched by the OAPEN Foundation. The idea for DOAB has been developed with Lars Bjørnshauge and Salam Baker Shanawa (director of SemperTool), who were also responsible for the development of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Both will be involved in the further development of DOAB.
OAPEN will manage the service and approach publishers to provide the metadata of their Open Access books. OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks, started in 2008 as an EU-funded project coordinated by Amsterdam University Press. The OAPEN Foundation is an international initiative dedicated to Open Access monograph publishing, based at the National Library in The Hague. OAPEN develops Open Access models for books and works with academic publishers and research institutes to build a collection of Open Access books through the OAPEN Library. OAPEN is currently involved in two pilot projects in the Netherlands and the UK experimenting with Open Access monograph publishing.
SemperTool will develop and maintain the service. SemperTool ( is a software development company specializing in building digital library technologies, as well as providing hosting and consulting services. Salam Baker Shanawa, director of SemperTool, was in charge of development of DOAJ while employed at Lund University, and for the past two years SemperTool has been responsible for further development and maintenance of DOAJ. SemperTool offers a range of reliable and cost-effective software solutions for digital libraries, and serves more than 100 universities in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
Lars Bjørnshauge will be involved in the further development of DOAB and its business model. Lars founded and managed DOAJ during his service as Director of Libraries at Lund University, Sweden. Currently Lars is SPARC's Director of European Library relations and Senior Advisor to the National Library of Sweden.
For more information, please contact Eelco Ferwerda, director of the OAPEN Foundation, e.ferwerda@oapen.orgJLIB_HTML_CLOAKING , +31(0)629565168.

Fatima Darries

E-LIS SA Editor

[Lib-helig-l] LIASA Conference 2012: Diarise the Date for Durban

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[Lib-helig-l] Teaching & Learning Workshop- WCHELIG

Please diarise:
WCHELIG - Teaching and Learning Workshop to be  held on Wednesday, 13 June 2012 at 8.30- 13.00. Details about the workshop will follow.
Bulelwa Mandubu
021 9592928 (W)

[Lib-helig-l] Announcement: 10th Northumbria International Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services Conference

Message cross-posted on behalf of 10th Northumbria International Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services Conference. 

Ian Hall
Executive Officer (Information Strategy)

J.B. Morrell Library
University of York
Heslington, YO10 5DD
Tel: +44 (0)1904 322040

Times Higher Education University of the Year 2010


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[Lib-helig-l] U.S. Libraries: A Snapshot of Priorities and Perspectives

Here's the link to the report on Academic Libraries in the US.


Sent to you by IngridThomson via Google Reader:

via Library Intelligencer by shirley on 5/22/12

Snapshots of 'Priorities & Perspectives' for U.S. academic and community college libraries are now available. A similar report on U.S. public libraries was recently released. All three reports are available for download.

Things you can do from here:

[Lib-helig-l] Call for Papers for LIASA conference in Durban

LIASA Fourteenth Annual Conference


Date:               1-5 October 2012
Venue:            Durban International Convention Centre
Theme:           Libraries:  Empowering communities, building a nation

You are hereby invited to submit proposals for papers & posters that will focus on areas related to the theme of the conference. 

The 14th Annual LIASA Conference aims to provide opportunities to debate, share, and learn from local and international professional colleagues and partners.  All relevant stakeholders and partners are invited to participate in discussions and workshops around the proposed topics.   Papers based on case studies and best practice would be given preference.  Papers and poster proposals on the theme will be considered for inclusion in the conference programme:

Libraries:  Empowering communities, building a nation

Access to knowledge is the superb, the supreme act of truly great civilizations. Of all the institutions that purport to do this, free libraries stand virtually alone in accomplishing this mission” (Toni Morrison).

The strength of a nation is very often reflected in the strength of its democracy. The cornerstone of any democracy is access to information and knowledge and the capacity of individuals and institutions to utilize that information and knowledge for the creation of growth paths. The most significant institution contributing to making information accessible to a community (be it a community at a higher education institution, the general public or a community of learners at a school) is the library located within such a community. The aggregation of elevated knowledge and skills of all communities feeds empowerment and growth of a strong nation.

Empowerment is viewed as the development of knowledge, skills and abilities in the individual to enable the individual to take control of his/her growth and development: it is a process of change. Its concomitance with the LIS discipline relates to making provision for improved access to information resources so that the individual may use the information for effective decision-making for constructive change. Empowerment is the ability to learn and access skills for improving personal and collective circumstances.

This 14thAnnual LIASA Conference provides a platform to engage in discourse on the ‘epicentredness’  of the library in empowering all communities (the higher education community, the special library community, the public library community, the school library community and the national library community) en route to building a stronger South Africa.

LIASA invites submissions of papers and proposals for posters that will contribute to an exciting and creative event. As always, the conference welcomes contributions from all sectors and disciplines that intersect to grow library and information provision. Topics include, but are not limited to:
Libraries and empowerment
Libraries and the digital divide 
Libraries and critical thinking
Equitable access to information
Continuing education
Professional development
Literacy and secondary illiteracy
Lifelong learning
Cooperation and collaboration
Bridging the divide
Network scholarship(open access and open education resources)
School libraries and basic education
Public libraries and basic and higher education
Library as a space
Role of technology in library and information provision

The deadline for receipt of abstracts for paper presentation and poster proposals is 20 June 2012.
To submit your abstract online go to
:   “Submit Abstract” .   You should also upload your brief CV.

For general queries contact:


1.         Authors are encouraged to submit abstracts for short papers based on practical experience, case studies and best practice.

2.         Priority will be given to papers on the main theme, although papers on related topics may also be considered.

3.         Papers must be presented in English.

4.         Submissions must include:

  • full title of the paper;
  • name(s) of author(s),
  • institutional affiliation,
  • full contact details of author(s),
  • an abstract of the paper of 300 - 500 words
  • Each abstract file should be named with the surname of the presenting author, e.g.:  Smith abst1.doc
  • Include the contact details of author(s) in the abstract file
  • brief CV of the author(s) (separate file) named with the surname of the presenting author, e.g.: Smith CV.doc

5.         The abstracts of the accepted papers will be published in the conference programme and on the LIASA website. 

6.         Authors of accepted papers will be notified as soon as possible after 29 June 2012.

7.         No correspondence will be entered into about acceptance or non-acceptance of papers.

8.         The final version of the presentation (PowerPoint) must be submitted in electronic form for publication on the website by 21 September 2012.

9.         Full papers submitted may be published as part of the conference proceedings. This must be submitted in electronic format (as an MS Word file)
            by 14   September 2012 for publication.
10.       There will be a selection of papers, presented at the LIASA Conference that will be published in a special conference edition of the South African
            Journal of Libraries and Information Science.
11.       This call for papers is for the plenary and parallel sessions of the Conference, including the Interest Groups.
12.       Please note that all presenters are responsible for their own expenses to attend the conference.

Naomi Haasbroek
Library and Information Association of South Africa

Immediate Past Chair:  IFLA Africa Section
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

HEAD:  Library and Information Services
iThemba LABS
P O Box 722
Somerset West

Tel:  +27 21 843 1000
Tel:  +27 21 843 1259 (Direct)
Fax:  0866116096 or +27 21 843 3525
Mobile:  0828959931

Naomi Haasbroek
HEAD:  Library and Information Services
iThemba LABS
P O Box 722
Somerset West

Tel:  +27 21 843 1000
Tel:  +27 21 843 1259 (Direct)
Fax:  0866116096 or +27 21 843 3525
Mobile:  0828959931

Library and Information Association of South Africa

Chair:  IFLA Africa Section
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

South African Library Week 2011: 19-26 March 2011
"Read in your language @ your library"

[Lib-helig-l] LIASA: Call for papers - Online submission of abstracts

Please note that your abstracts for papers for the LIASA 14th Annual Conference may be submitted online at   Submit your abstract.

View the Second Announcement and  Call for Papers here.

Looking forward to your proposals.



Naomi Haasbroek
Library and Information Association of South Africa

Immediate Past Chair:  IFLA Africa Section
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

HEAD:  Library and Information Services
iThemba LABS
P O Box 722
Somerset West

Tel:  +27 21 843 1000
Tel:  +27 21 843 1259 (Direct)
Fax:  0866116096 or +27 21 843 3525
Mobile:  0828959931

[Lib-helig-l] Job Opportunities: CUT

>>> Ackerman Dora <> 5/25/2012 9:37 AM >>>
Dear colleagues

For your information: Job Opportunities: CUT
Librarian: CirculationsLibrary and Information Services
(Closing date: 2012/06/06)
Library Assistant: AcquisitionsLibrary and Information Services
(Closing date: 2012/06/06)

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