Sunday, June 19, 2011

[Lib-helig-l] Assessment of the Research Learning Needs of University of Saskatchewan Libr...

Dear Colleagues
This links to the pre-print article in College & Research Libraries. Here's the link to the current print issue
Ingrid Thomson


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via Preprints by Schrader, A. M., Shiri, A., Williamson, V. on 6/10/11

As academic librarians with faculty status increasingly embrace research engagement as a core value and requirement, one of the little studied questions is the extent to which they possess the requisite knowledge and skills to conduct high quality research and scholarship, and what further learning needs they might have within the organizational setting. This paper summarizes an institutional case study of the research knowledge of academic librarians employed at the University of Saskatchewan, encompassing their current research interests, experiences, competencies, environmental context, and learning needs. The goal was to develop a framework for additional educational activities and institutional supports that would enhance their knowledge and skills.


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