Monday, July 15, 2013

[Lib-helig-l] Reminder: IFLA 2013 attendance

IFLA WLIC 2013Singapore

17 - 23 August 2013


Like previous years, LIASA had requests from various institutions and vendors for a list of South African delegates who registered to attend the IFLA WLIC 2013 Conference in Singapore.                   


Therefore, we invite all South African delegates to forward your name and contact details to the LIASA National Office by no later than 30 July 2013.  If you are presenting a paper or poster, you are welcome to indicate so.


Please send your details to Annamarie Goosen or fax it to 086 694 7272.


Kind regards  


Annamarie Goosen

LIASA Programme Manager
Tel: 012 324 6096

Fax: 086 694 7272


Facebook: @LIASANews

Twitter: #LIASANews


LIASA 15th Annual Conference

7 - 11 October 2013

Theme: Libraries in Dialogue for Transformation and Innovation



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