Tuesday, July 2, 2013

[Lib-helig-l] Mid-week read: July/August 2013 issue of College & Research Libraries News

Dear Colleagues

A great mid-week read! 




Table of Contents: -



Todd Samuelson and Cait Coker. "How we brought 3,000 people to the library . . .: With the help of Mr. George R. R. Martin."
Dana Knott and Kristine Szabo. "Bigfoot hunting: Academic library outreach to elementary school students."
Jennifer Rosenstein. "Ghost hunters in the library: Using an interactive mystery game for freshman library orientation."
Dawn Stahura and Erin Milanese. "Teaching with zombies: Bringing information literacy back from the dead."
Mary Jane Petrowski. "A passion for the profession: How ACRL benefits you."
Grace Jackson-Brown and Gloria Tibbs. "The African American Read-In: Building campus-community partnerships."
"The time to lead: ACRL seeks nominees for section offices."

Scott R. DiMarco. "Why I banned a book: How censorship can impact a learning community."

Alexandra Janvey. "Learning about music on the Web: Online resources."


Katy Kavanagh. "Incorporating cartoons in an academic library: Spicing up LibGuides graphically at East Carolina University."


David Free. "In the News."
David Free. "News from the Field." 

Jazzy Wright. "Washington Hotline."
Joni R. Roberts, Carol A. Drost, John Repplinger, Colleen Lougen, and Wendell G. Johnson. "Internet Reviews."  

Ann-Christe Galloway. "Grants and Acquisitions."   

Ann-Christe Galloway. "People in the News."  
Gary Pattillo. "Fast Facts."    




Ingrid Thomson

Subject Librarian:  Humanities Information Division

Chancellor Oppenheimer Library

University of Cape Town Libraries

Tel:  +27 21 650 3133

Fax:  +27 21 650 2965



Chair: Western Cape Branch  (2012 – 2014)

National EXCO Additional Member: Advocacy and Social Media (2012 – 2014)

Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA)



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