Thursday, April 21, 2011

[Lib-helig-l] Call for Papers: LIASA Annual Conference

Date:               3-7 October 2011
Venue:            East London International Convention Centre

Theme:           Dynamic Leadership for LIS




You are hereby invited to submit proposals for papers & posters that will focus on areas related to the theme of the conference. 


The 13th Annual LIASA Conference aims to provide opportunities to debate, share, and learn from local and international professional colleagues and partners.  All relevant stakeholders and partners are invited to participate in discussions and workshops around the proposed topics.   Papers based on case studies and best practice would be given preference.


Papers and poster proposals on topics such as the following will be considered for inclusion in the conference programme:
The focus will be on:  Leadership; Advocacy; Technology; Cultural Diversity

               Leadership for innovation and change

               Mobile technology and libraries

·                     Access 24/7

·                     Taking libraries to the people


               Leadership for professional development

               Libraries contributing to growth and development
               Libraries building communities
               School libraries underpinning quality education 

               Libraries promoting sustainable development


        Libraries providing leadership for cultural diversity  

                   Transforming library and information services for the future


               Libraries open access to Knowledge


Libraries driving access to knowledge


Libraries and the millennium development goals


Libraries – learning and teaching

§  Libraries for information literacy and lifelong learning

§  libraries for a reading nation

§  libraries as the foundation for research and academic excellence

§  libraries facilitate skills development


The deadline for receipt of proposals is 27 May 2011

To submit your abstract online go to
:   “Submit Abstract” .   You should also upload your brief CV.


For general queries contact: or:




1.         Authors are encouraged to submit abstracts for short papers based on practical experience, case studies and best practice.

2.         Priority will be given to papers on the main theme and focus areas, although papers on related topics may also be considered.

3.         Papers must be presented in English.

4.         Submissions must include:


  • full title of the paper;
  • name(s) of author(s),
  • institutional affiliation,
  • full contact details of author(s),
  • an abstract of the paper of 300 - 500 words
  • Each abstract file should be named with the surname of the presenting author, e.g.:  Smith abst1.doc
  • Include the contact details of author(s) in the abstract file
  • brief CV of the author(s) (separate file) named with the surname of the presenting author, e.g.: Smith CV.doc (no more than 2 A4 sheets).


5.         The abstracts of the accepted papers may be published in the conference programme and on the LIASA website.

6.         Authors of accepted papers will be notified as soon as possible after
15 June 2011.

7.         No correspondence will be entered into about acceptance or non-acceptance of papers.

8.         The final version of the presentation/paper must be submitted in electronic form (as an MS Word file) by 23 September 2011 for publishing on the
            LIASA website and SAJLIS. 

9.         Papers presented at the LIASA Conference will be considered for publication in a special edition of the South African Journal of Libraries and
            Information Science.

10.        This call for papers is for the plenary and parallel sessions of the Conference, including the Interest Groups.

11.        Proposals for papers for a specific Interest Group can also be submitted.  Please indicate which Interest Group.


12.        Please note that all presenters are responsible for their own expenses to attend the conference.




Naomi Haasbroek


Library and Information Association of South Africa



South African Library Week 2011: 19-26 March 2011

"Read in your language @ your library"



Chair:  IFLA Africa Section

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions


HEAD:  Library and Information Services

iThemba LABS

P O Box 722

Somerset West



Tel:  +27 21 843 1000

Tel:  +27 21 843 1259 (Direct)

Fax:  0866116096 or +27 21 843 3525

Mobile:  0828959931





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