Herewith recent additions to E-LIS. This particular post goes back to additions since last week Wednesday.
In this post, I have not put the URL in as the titles are linked. Although not all the submissions are in English it is the policy of E-LIS to have the first abstract in English.
Remember that recent additions to E-LIS are also available as an RSS feed.
Happy reading!
Maz-Machado, Alexander, AMM and Jiménez-Fanjul, Noelia, NJF and Gutiérrez-Arenas, M. Pilar, MPGA and Adrián, Cristian, CAand Vallejo, Monica, MV and Adamuz-Povedano, Natividad, NAP Estudio bibliométrico de la investigación educativa en las universidades de Andalucía en el SSCI (2002-2010). Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología y Salud, 2012, vol. 3, n. 2, pp. 125-136. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
Salvai, Eugenia Visibilizar lo invisible o la literatura invisible de las invisibles., 2012 . In Feria del Libro Córdoba, Córdoba (Argentina), 13/09/2010. [Conference Paper]
Uribe-Tirado, Alejandro and Campal-García, María-Felicidad and Calderón-Rehecho, Antonio . Overview of Information Literacy Resources Worldwide. List of Selected Information Literacy Resources Available in the Spanish Language., 2013 In: Overview of Information Literacy Resources Worldwide. UNESCO, pp. 188-198. [Book Chapter]
Shokraneh, Farhad Systematic Review: Paper Generation or Evidence Production for Decision-Making. Health Information Management, 2013, vol. 9, n. 5. [Journal Article (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Rodríguez-López, María-del-Carmen Códigos tipo: derecho a la información y protección de datos. El profesional de la información, 2012, vol. 21, n. 5, pp. 509-513. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
Maz-Machado, Alexander, AMM and Torralbo-Rodríguez, Manuel, MTR and Gutiérrez-Arenas, M. P., MPGA and Morales Sillero, Francisca, FMS Citation patterns in Educational Science theses at the University of Córdoba. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 2012. [Journal Article (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Ordoñez-Nievas, Ramón and Páez, Virgili and Pastor-Ramon, Elena and Sastre-Suárez, Silvia and Costa-Marín, Maria Creation of the Centralized Document Supply Service of the Virtual Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands., 2010 . In 12th EAHIL Conference Lisbon 2010, Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference Poster]
Sastre-Suárez, Silvia and Páez, Virgili and Pastor-Ramon, Elena and Ordoñez-Nievas, Ramón and Costa-Marín, Maria The E-journals And Their Statistics: As Broad As It Is Long?, 2010 . In 12th EAHIL Conference Lisbon 2010, Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference Paper]
Páez, Virgili and Pastor-Ramon, Elena and Sastre-Suárez, Silvia and Ordoñez-Nievas, Ramón and Costa-Marín, Maria The Virtual Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands: A regional project for libraries cooperation., 2010 . In 12th EAHIL Conference Lisbon 2010, Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference Poster]
Pastor-Ramon, Elena and Páez, Virgili and Sastre-Suárez, Silvia and Ordonez-Nievas, Ramón and Costa-Marín, Maria Centralized management of subscriptions and access to the e-journals of the Virtual Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands., 0020 . In EAHIL2010 - The 12th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries, Lisboa - Portugal, 14th-18th June, 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference Poster]
Zapata-Ros, Miguel MOOCs, una visión crítica y una alternativa complementaria: La individualización del aprendizaje y de la ayuda pedagógica., 2013 [Preprint]
Leiva-Mederos, Amed and Domínguez-Fernández, Sandor and Senso, Jose A. PuertoTex: un software de minería textual para la creación de resúmenes automáticos en el dominio de ingeniería de puertos y costas basado en ontologías. TransInformação, 2012, vol. 24, n. 2. [Journal Article (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Bartosz, Ruż . Koncepcja języka teoretycznoliterackiego strukturalistów polskich., 2013 Projekt Nauka. Fundacja na rzecz promocji nauki polskiej. [Book]
Chiaretti, Alessandro Datos Abiertos (Enlazados) y democratización del acceso a la información en Chile., 2013 . In Internacional del Conocimiento 2013, Simposio n. 14, Santiago, Chile, 7-10 january 2013. (Unpublished) [Conference Paper]
Zabala-Vázquez, Jon Utilidad y vigencia de las tipobibliografías y su ausencia en el mundo digital = The utility and validity of bibliographies and their absence in the digital world. El profesional de la información, 2013, vol. 22, n. 1, pp. 68-73. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
Poposki, Dimitar and Bojkovska, Emilija and Tosovic, Branko and Wonisch, Arno Creation of Texts in all Functional Styles for the Macedonian GRALIS-Corpora (GRALIS-MAK) and theirs copyrights., 2011 . In International Seminar for Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture. 38th Scientific Conference Linguistics, Ohrid (Republic of Macedonia), 14 July 2011. [Conference Paper]
Campos Machado, Elisa and Moreira Prado, Geraldo and Antunes-Silva, Abraão and Lira, Jailton and Tadashi, Kleber The Rede Brasil de Bibliotecas Comunitárias : a space for sharing information and building new knowledge. The Journal of Community Informatics, 2011, vol. 7, n. 1/2. [Journal Article (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Bortoluci, Lauci Coleções bibliográficas históricas do Museu do Arte Contemporãnea., 2012 . In Seminário Nacional de Bibliotecas Universitárias, Gramado, RS (Brasil), 16-21 September 2012. [Conference Paper]
Vucic, Vedran Veb pristupačnost i elektronskih formati za pristup informacijama za osobe sa invaliditetom., 2011 [Library Instructional Material]
Juárez-Urquijo, Fernando El papel y sus posibilidades multimedia en la biblioteca. El profesional de la información, 2013, vol. 22, n. 1, pp. 62-67. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
Oberhauser, Otto Benutzerbefragung an der Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität Wien., 1986 . In Der Österreichische Bibliothekartag 1984, Klagenfurt, 3.–8. September1984. [Conference Paper]
Rodríguez-Yunta, Luis and Giménez-Toledo, Elea Fusión, coedición o reestructuración de revistas científicas en humanidades y ciencias sociales. El profesional de la información, 2013, vol. 22, n. 1, pp. 36-45. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
Aguilar-Moreno, Estefanía and Granell-Canut, Carlos Sistemas de información geográfica para unidades de información [Geographic information systems for information units]. El profesional de la información, 2013, vol. 22, n. 1, pp. 80-86. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
Pedraza-Jimenez, Rafael and Blanco, Saúl and Codina, Lluís and Cavaller, Víctor Diseño conceptual y especificación de requerimientos para el desarrollo y rediseño de sitios web. El profesional de la información, 2013, vol. 22, n. 1, pp. 74-79. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
Fatima Darries
E-LIS SA Editor
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