Copyright, copy chaos and everything in between
Learn. Discuss. Play!
Do you know your copy rights? Do you know your user rights? Although many librarians and teachers feel quite confident in the area of copyright and access to educational materials, a recent survey* has revealed that a number of incorrect assumptions and perceptions prevail. On the other hand, some librarians and teachers are just not sure about what is permitted under the current Copyright Act, and are thus hesitant when it comes to advising their users and learners. Neither of these stances is surprising, given that the legal terrain still includes a number of grey areas around copyright and access to educational materials.
You are invited to a highly interactive workshop that will help clarify the debate around copyright and open access to educational resources. We will share ideas, opinions and learnings on the copyright debate and how to open access to knowledge and goods on the Internet.
The hands-on workshop will include a discussion on the recent findings of a research project** on copyright and access to educational materials, and we will also share and talk about the problem areas and concerns for teachers and librarians that have been revealed through the survey.
The workshop also promises to provide you with a 'playroom' space where you can experiment and come to grips with finding, downloading and using open-licensed pictures, photographs and videos.
Experienced facilitators from the The African Copyright and Access to Knowledge (ACA2K) project and The African Commons Project will guide you throughout the day so that you will leave with not only a greater understanding of the current copyright environment, but you will gain some practical skills on finding and using open-licensed digital resources.
For librarians and teachers everywhere!
Presented by LIASA FAIFE (Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression) Committee, in association with The African Commons Project, with support from the IDRC and hosting partner Tshwane University of Technology Library Services Directorate.
* A recent qualitative survey was circulated amongst local teachers and librarians, by The African Commons Project in partnerships with the ACA2K project, supported by the IDRC. The survey was entitled "Copyright for teachers and librarians: making sense of the South African Copyright environment."
** The African Copyright and Access to Knowledge (ACA2K) Project is an IDRC-funded research project that interrogates the South African coyright regime in relation to access to educatioinal materials and resources. The project included local legal and academic researchers from Wits and UCT.
Date: Friday, 20 May 2011
Venue: Library Conference Room, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria West Campus. Directions will be provided to confirmed participants.
Cost : R350 for LIASA members, R400 for non-LIASA members
Please deposit your payment in the account below, with reference: FAIFE [your surname/s]
Account holder: LIASA
Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Branch code:251-445
Account no: 53251066743
Please send proof of each payment to fax number 012 429 3489, please mark for attention: Fatima Darries, or email to
Attendance will only be confirmed on receipt of proof of payment. No re-funds will be made.
To register, email the following details to
Tel no.
Fax no.
Cell no.
E-mail address:
Dietary needs
LIASA membership number
Remember to send your proof of payment as well.
Programme outline:
09:30 – 09.45 – Welcome
09.45 – 10.30 – Copyright or copy wrong?… setting the scene: Is this copyright right or copy confusion?
10.30 – 11.00 – Copy responsible: a context … Introduction to the African Copyright and Access to Knowledge (ACA2K) project and providing a context.
11.00 – 11.15 – tea
11.15 – 12.15 – … Copy responsible: continues … discussion and sharing the findings of the ACA2K project and how this impacts on teachers and librarians.
12.15 – 13.00 – The librarian, the teacher and the copyright chaos … sharing findings of recent survey with a view to opening up discussion points for the afternoon session AND introducing open-licensed content.
13.00 – 13.30 – Lunch
13.30 – 14.45 – Let's Work Together … participants in teams working at different stations on various issues, including finding and downloading open digital resources.
15.45 – 15.15 – Talking back … feedback from groups.
15.15 – Wrap-up and say goodbye
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